Kit says, "the Pup Count is ....

Congratulations to Jacob, who was the only person to correctly estimate the number of pups! Way to go, Jacob!
The vet estimated that Kit will have the pups later this week, Friday? Saturday? I will take Kit in to the vet on Thursday for a progesterone test to see if we can get a better idea. The reason I am concerned is that Kit had to have a cesarian section for her first litter and, according to our vet, a reproductive specialist, 75% of girls who have a c-section, will need one for any additional litters. I want to give Kit the chance to have the pups naturally because many bitches have c-sections and then go on to deliver naturally thereafter, but I also want to be careful and aware and proactive in getting her in for a c-section if it might mean Kit's or the pups' health.
One funny thing the vet noticed is that Kit is carrying the pups unevenly. The canine uterus is shaped like a chicken wishbone and often the pups are evenly distributed between the two sides. Kit apparently is carrying more pups on one side than another. At the ultrasound, the vet noticed that Kit had 4 pups on one side and 1 pup on the other. Now that we know that she has 6 pups coming, I bet she has 4 pups on one side and 2 pups on the other. I wonder if she feels unbalanced as she moves. She has been particularly clumsy lately ...
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