Kit is getting big in the belly & eating lots of yummy food.
This is a pic of Kit from her first litter. Her belly is not quite this big now. I will try to get a photo of her current belly very soon.
Kit is a finicky eater when pregnant. She has been eating specialty meals (aka, not just plain kibble) since about 2.5 weeks after being bred. She does not like to eat the same thing 2 meals in a row. If I serve her the same meal, she makes this queasy-looking face and moves her mouth like she is feeling ill.
Needless to say, I haven't served her the same meal twice in a row in 3 weeks ...
Tonight, as I write, Kit is beside me in the office (where she has been eating since pregnant because she takes sooooo long to eat and because she won't eat unless I am with her) eating kibble with a chicken breast, carrot, cauliflower, zucchini stew/soup I made for her this evening. She is getting 2 cups of kibble 3 times a day now as I try to put some weight on her before the pups are so large that her stomach can only take several very small meals a day. Sometimes, Kit eats all her food. Sometimes, she does not.
Almost always, Kit has been falling asleep, stretched out on her side, next to her food bowl as soon as she is full. Picture the photo above with a food bowl next to Kit and her eyes closed and you get the idea. This has been happening for about a week. It's very cute and funny and I suspect it means that the pups (at least 5, according to the ultrasound) are making her tired and she needs to recover from the effort of eating. I can't help it, but I love Kit sooooo much that this undoubtedly common thing is very special to me. I suppose that one reason she won't eat without me is that I really love to be with her and see how she reacts to what I have put together for her "specialty" meals.
I will take a photo of her snoozing next to her bowl tomorrow. What will she eat? I made a lot of chicken stew ...
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