What a Sociable 5 month old Boy!!
It's been a long time since I've posted with updates. The litter is now nearly 5 months old and all pups are in their homes and have become the family members that they deserve to be. I have heard a lot of wonderful updates (and some challenges, of course!) from owners. Owners, thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing how the pups are doing and I promise to be in better contact soon after Mira's gang of 13 pups (www.mirapuppies.blogspot.com) have all been settled into their new homes.
From Kit's litter, I held onto Ash and Etta as potential show pups. As you can see from their ear tape, both pups have been cropped. This is never my first choice, but Ash's ears were very small in proportion to his head and body and the ears probably would have stood straight up from his head. Etta's ears were too large and would have made her head and body look too small. Sad: boy, large head, tiny ears. Girl: small head, huge ears. Together: perfect show pup. Oh, wait. It never works like that ...
If you have a one of Ash and Etta's littermates and you would be willing to have your pup's growing up photos posted to the blog, let me know. I would be thrilled to post updates for people who have followed the litter, especially the people who have the littermates as family members.